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O Canada

Feb, 2023
Richard Moses
COO, Pelent Patent Analytics

Just how well are Canadian companies faring filing new patents? We ran an analysis of US granted patents for Canadian companies in the first half of 2022. The analysis sampled 530 granted patents from 263 companies (mostly SME’s) and university organizations.

Patent Checkup uses a Patent Rating scale “A” through “D”. A-rated patents represent patents with the highest value, B-rated patents have medium value, C-rated patents have low value and D-rated patents are unlikely to have value. 

Quickview results are illustrated below (for a description of Quickview see

  • 7% of the patents are A-rated, A-rated patents have litigation/enforcement potential.
  • 19.8% of the patents are B-rated (105/530), B-rated patents have licensing potential.
  • Contact us for a detailed listing of results, including companies and ratings.
Click here for the Quickview link

Patents are granted irrespective if they have value or not

Many patents have no value either because the inventions are worthless or because the patent is legally handicapped even though it has business value. Too often inventors and owners are content to receive their patents and fail to strengthen the claims even though the extra cost is small compared to the overall costs of the patent.

What’s in your portfolio?

Send us your patent list and we will return your Quickview results. There is no charge or registration required. Visit and click REQUEST A CHECKUP.